Archives par mot-clé : appel à communications

Police et Justice : le noeud gordien. Du temps des Lumières à l’État libéral (1750-1850)

POLICE ET JUSTICE : LE NOEUD GORDIEN Du temps des Lumières à l’État libéral (1750-1850) Colloque international sous l’égide de DAMOCLES (Unige) et de l’ANR SYSPOE. Avec le soutien de l’International Association for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice (IAHCCJ). 20-22 novembre 2014, Université de Genève

Comité d’organisation : Marco CICCHINI (Université de Genève), Vincent DENIS (Paris-I Sorbonne), Vincent MILLIOT (Université de Caen), Michel PORRET (Université de Genève) Comité scientifique : Livio ANTONIELLI (Università di Milano) ; Pascal BASTIEN (Université du Québec à Montréal) ; Jean-Marc BERLIÈRE (Université de Bourgogne/ CESDIP-CNRS) ; Frédéric CHAUVAUD (Université de Poitiers) ; Catherine DENYS (Université de Lille 3) ; Clive EMSLEY (The Open University) ; Paul FRIEDLAND (Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University) ; Donald FYSON (Université Laval, Québec) ; Karl HÄRTER (Max-Planck- Institute für europäische Rechstgeschichte) ; Anja JOHANSEN (University of Dundee) ; René LEVY (CESDIP-CNRS) ; Brigitte MARIN (Université Aix-Marseille) ; Alessandro PASTORE (Università di Verona) ; Xavier ROUSSEAUX (Université catholique de Louvain).

Appel à contribution Depuis le XVIIe siècle, en pratique comme en théorie, police et justice constituent deux modalités spécifiques de la pacification sociale, deux manières d’exercer la puissance souveraine, deux modes de gouvernement. Continuer la lecture de Police et Justice : le noeud gordien. Du temps des Lumières à l’État libéral (1750-1850)

Call for papers : 12th International Conference on Urban History, Lisbonne, 3-6 septembre 2014

Attention : la date de clôture pour proposer une session est fixée au 31 mars 2013.

We would like to invite you to participate in the 12th International Conference on Urban History «Cities in Europe, Cities in the World», which will be held at the Nova University of Lisbon from 3 to 6 September 2014.

The call for sessions’ deadline has been extended and we will continue to accept proposals until 31 March 2013. Instructions for the submission of sessions will be available on the website: In April 2013 session organizers will be informed if their session is accepted.

The European Association for Urban History encourages cross-disciplinary and international research on urban history. Therefore the EAUH invites you to submit sessions that are as comparative and interdisciplinary as possible. Furthermore, we give priority to sessions which are co-organized by scholars from different universities/countries.

Please visit our website ( for further information, and do not hesitate to contact us ( if you have any questions or doubts.

Call for papers : Cultural Representations of Crime and Policing

Cultural Representations of Crime and Policing:

Scottish and International Perspectives, Past and Present

West Park Conference Centre,

University of Dundee

16-17 April 2013


Speakers include:  Professor Sue Black, Professor Peter King, Professor Niamh Nic Daeid, Dr Chris Murray and Linda Stratmann.

The Scottish Institute for Policing Research and the School of Humanities, University of Dundee, invite proposals for papers to be presented at this two-day conference.  The conference is the fourth in a series of events funded by a Royal Society of Edinburgh Arts & Humanities Network Award on the theme of Crime and Policing in Scotland: Past and Present.  The network is intended to provide a unique forum for researchers to engage with police and criminal justice practitioners, with the aim of sharing and enhancing mutual knowledge and research agendas and providing an opportunity for contemporary Scottish crime and policing issues to be considered from an international historical perspective.

The aim of the conference is to explore the ways in which crime and policing have been understood and portrayed in popular culture from the Enlightenment to the present day.  The focus will be on both the Scottish experience and the wider international context.  Key themes will include the extent to which cultural representations of crime and policing — for example print and visual media, both fictional and non-fictional — differ from realities, and how far media portrayals shape popular understandings of crime and policing.  Central to these discussions will be the question of what causes cultural representations and perceptions of crime and policing to change over the longer term.  The event is aimed at a wide range of academic disciplines, criminal justice practitioners, and cultural media, with a view to stimulating interdisciplinary dialogue on the conference themes.

Proposals for individual 20 minute presentations will be considered and should be submitted by 15th January 2013 to Dr Murray Frame at  Please include a short biography and a brief abstract (c.250 words) of your proposed paper.  We will let you know as soon as possible after 15th January if we can include your paper in the programme.

Conference fees:

Full conference registration & dinner:                      £195.00

Two-day conference registration only:                    £170.00

One-day conference registration only:                     £85.00

Conference dinner:                                                    £25.00


When you register we will provide you with details of accommodation and travel options.