Archives par mot-clé : contrôle social



La storiografia su polizia e controllo del territorio da qualche anno sta focalizzando la propria attenzione sulle concrete modalità attraverso le quali, nelle diverse epoche, lo stato, le comunità, la società civile cercavano di fronteggiare le minacce interne e rendere effettivo il controllo del rispettivo territorio.

Lo studio delle polizie, in tutte le possibili forme organizzative, è ovviamente al centro di questa riflessione. Tuttavia una delle forme di difesa più significative è certamente quella che vede per protagonista la stessa società civile, attraverso modalità consuetudinarie di intervento. La storiografia si è spesso interessata a queste forme di difesa, ma quasi esclusivamente con riferimento agli aspetti che più sono accostabili all’organizzazione di difese militari o para-militari: faccio riferimento alle milizie in tutte le loro forme, a presidi, strutture d’avvistamento, controlli confinari e sanitari, alle mobilitazioni più o meno organizzate al suono delle campane a martello e così via. Molto ai margini, invece, è rimasto lo studio delle numerosissime figure, presenti ovunque e in ogni epoca, cui erano demandate specifiche operazioni di controllo, vuoi per garantire la sicurezza dei traffici, vuoi per combattere la delinquenza, vuoi per garantire dai contagi, vuoi per disciplinare l’attività agricola, la navigazione e via di seguito. Continuer la lecture de Appel à communications : LA SOCIETA’ E IL TERRITORIO: IL CONTROLLO ATTRAVERSO FIDUCIARI

CFP : International Conference : Policing Empires, Brussels, December 2013

CFP International Conference Policing Empires: Social Control, Political Transition, (Post-)Colonial Legacies

Call for Papers

International Conference

Policing Empires Social Control, Political Transition, (Post-)Colonial Legacies

December 2013 Brussels, Belgium

After years of academic neglect, colonial policing has recently attracted increasing attention. New historical insights on colonial security strategies and on their postcolonial vestiges (in the global South as well as in the former metropoles) testify to the dynamism of this field of research. The 2-day international conference Policing Empires: Social Control, Political Transition, (Post-)Colonial Legacies, to be held in Brussels in December 2013, is the last in a series of events convened by the GERN Working Group on (Post-)Colonial Policing. Preceding workshops have focused on policing in the British, French, Belgian and Dutch, and finally Portuguese Empires and have addressed various aspects of policing, surveillance and security experiences. Building on these explorations, the aim of this final conference is to spur new reflection and discussion on connectivity, continuity and change across the (former) European Empires and to promote a multi-sited and comparative approach to colonial policing practices and their legacies in the postcolonial world. It intends to bring together researchers and research evidence from different areas of the world and of specialization, and to foster cross-disciplinary and cross-empire debates through innovative case-studies related to the broad themes of the conference.
In order to open new perspectives, we invite papers that transcend traditional definitions and paradigms of policing in 19th and 20th century colonial contexts. This entails debates not limited to police services but embracing other actors, strategies and techniques which were also part of the colonial law and order apparatus, as well as analysis going beyond institutional approaches and state boundaries. In both cases, we would like to discuss formal and informal interactions of colonial security norms and projects with the social and spatial realities of the policed.
The conference will be organized along three major themes: social control, political transition and (post-)colonial legacies. These will provide a flexible framework allowing to explore a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:
Social Control•    Class, race, ethnicity, gender and policing •    Informal and semi-informal mechanisms of control •    Policing, consent and control •    Criminality, delinquency and urban order
Political Transition •    Policing and pacification •    Intelligence and surveillance •    Colonial and counter-colonial networks •    Negotiating a ‘new’ order: violence, resistance, agency
(Post-)Colonial Legacies
Colonial (dis)continuities in policing the (newly) independent state Police work and the internationalization/regionalization of security politics Memories of policing, police violence and repression Policing the former colonized in the metropole.
(The above list is only indicative and papers on all aspects of the broad themes of the conference are welcome.)
For paper proposals, please submit a title, a 250-word abstract and a short biography in English by April 1st, 2013 to Authors will be sent notifications of acceptance or rejection by email before May 1st, 2013 and complete papers will be due on November 1st, 2013. Selected proceedings of the conference will be published.
A limited budget to help with travel and/or accommodation expenses may be made available (with preference given to junior and low-income scholars). Please note that these funds are very limited: participants are therefore encouraged to find their own sources of financial support.
For more information, please contact
Organizing Committee : Emmanuel Blanchard (CESDIP/Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin, France) Marieke Bloembergen (KITLV, The Netherlands) Margo De Koster (Université catholique de Louvain / Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) Amandine Lauro (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)

Les comptabilités, sources pour l’histoire du contrôle social, XIIIe-XVIIIe siècle : Colloque

Le Centre d’histoire du droit et de la justice (INCAL- UCL) organise, en collaboration avec l’Université de Namur, les Archives Générales du Royaume et l’Institut Religions, Spiritualités, Culture, Sociétés (UCL) un colloque international intitulé « Monuments ou documents ? Les comptabilités, sources pour l’histoire du contrôle social (XIIIe-XVIIIe siècles) ». Ce colloque se déroulera du jeudi 13 au samedi 15 décembre 2012 aux Archives Générales du Royaume, à Bruxelles. Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire sur

The Center  for the History of Law and Justice (Centre d’histoire du droit et de la justice) (INCAL – UCL) will organise, in collaboration with the University of Namur, the States Archives in Belgium and the Institute “Religions, Spiritualities, Cultures, Societies” (UCL) an international conference called “Monuments or Documents? Accounts: Sources for the History of Social Control (13th-18th centuries)” . This conference will take place from Thursday 13th to Saturday 15th December 2012, in Brussels (States Archives in Belgium).
Registration is free but mandatory on